奇亚籽曲奇Chia seed cookies

  • Prep Time
    20 Mins
  • Cook Time
    10 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    将烤箱预热至180℃。将奇亚籽、亚麻籽和燕麦片倒入料理机中,搅打成细腻粉末。Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F. Add chia seeds, flaxseeds, and rolled oats to a food processor and blend to a fine powder.

    Step 2

    将奇亚籽燕麦片粉、白杏仁酱、枫糖浆、枸杞、盐和肉桂倒入一个大碗中。用手或橡胶刮刀搅拌均匀。然后一点点地拌入杏仁奶,直至质地变得柔滑但结实。Add the processed chia and oat flour, white almond butter, maple syrup, goji berries, salt, and cinnamon to a large bowl. Mix well using your hands or a rubber spatula. Little by little, stir in almond milk until you get a smooth, but firm mixture.

    Step 3

    稍微沾湿双手,用茶匙将面团分成几份,放到手中揉成小球。将面团球放到铺好烘焙纸的烤盘中,用叉子轻轻压平。放到烤箱中层,以180℃烤8-10分钟,然后取出放凉。Slightly wet your hands with water. Portion the dough with a teaspoon and roll it with your hands to form small balls. Add to a parchment-lined baking sheet and gently flatten with a fork. Bake at 180°C/350°F on the middle rack for approx. 8 – 10 min. Remove from oven and let cool.

    Step 4

    烤饼干期间,将黑巧克力放到耐热碗中,置于一锅沸水上,隔水加热融化。饼干冷却好后,倒上融化的巧克力,然后尽情享用吧!In the meantime, melt dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water. Drizzle melted chocolate over the chilled cookies and enjoy!
